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Braving the Cold, Building a Fire - #6652
Let's actually ask God to break our heart with the things that break His. Take some risks to reach your neighbor, to give, to reach out to other people, to see your time, your money, your influence, your building, and your talent as a resource to take Christ's warmth into a cold, cold world. We've got to get out there and build a fire.
Saturating the Saturated - #6306
Where are the churches who will not just aim their resources at watering God's people, but who will risk their buildings and their reputations, and their budgets, and their lives to build a bridge to their lost community? Not just to be a place to take care of the already rescued, but to be a life saving station for their community.
The World According to Goth (Page 1 of 3)
There are probably few subculture movements in society today that result in as many misconceptions and fears as does the Goth culture. When people hear the word "Goth," some immediately envision black clothes, tattoos, and pale faces, while others connect it to something more menacing such as ...