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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Collision Vision - #4852
Maybe you've run into some hard things lately and it hurts. It's confusing; maybe depressing. But consider what God may be trying to do in this collision. Maybe He's helping you be able to see! Maybe He wants to use the collision to expose the presence of an idol in your life, maybe to let that other god die on you. Or He may want to open your eyes to your neglect of your family, or your neglect of Him. Or to show you that your schemes are not the answer, or maybe He's trying to show you that the eternal things are really the only things that really matter.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Most Important Arrangements You'll Ever Make - #4861
We generally try to avoid thinking about death as much as possible. Until we're looking in the casket at someone we've just lost. It's hard to look face-to-face at death like that and not think about, "Where will I be when it's me there?" This isn't about being morbid. It's about being ready. If I know I'm prepared for something that's coming up, I don't have to keep thinking about it. It's settled. There's nothing more critical for you to settle than your eternal destination. Avoiding those arrangements carries a price too high to pay.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Why God Sends the Storm - #4891
Could it be that the storm that's hit you lately - the storm that even threatens to break up your ship - is God's tool to drive you into His arms? Not because He's mad at you, but because He loves you - enough to send His Son, Jesus, to take all the punishment for all your sin. But you've been running from the man who died for you. But God loves you too much to lose you. He doesn't want you to keep running from His love until time suddenly runs out - forever. So He's sent this storm - something you can't control and you can't fix, so you'd finally realize how very much you need Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hand You Never Outgrow - #4950
The hand of Jesus is reaching to you right now. Look closely and you'll see nail prints in that hand. They're there because of the price He paid to tear down the wall between you and God - His brutal death on the cross to pay the death penalty for your sins. Now He waits to forgive you; to be the one constant in your life and your eternity - no matter what changes.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Dark and Lonely Stretches - #4980
How do you know you can count on Jesus for every stretch of the road? Our word for today from the Word of God in Romans 8:39, "Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." That's your ironclad promise from the one who's never broken a promise.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When it's More Than You Can Carry - #4998
What will it take for the weight on you to be lifted? You'll have to reverse what you learned from "The Little Engine That Could" and say those liberating words, "I think I can't." That moment of surrender makes you desperate for what God and God alone can do. And desperation is the condition with which God can do the most.

Healing from Bitterness: An Interview with Yvonne Welch
Nancy and Holly Elliff talk with Yvonne Welch, a mother of four children who was rushed to the hospital because of Acute Chronic Exhaustion. Discover the root cause of her exhaustion, and hear about her only "way of escape"--the Word of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Life's Two Columns - #5153
Paul's troubles did not defeat him or discourage him because he had figured out the difference between what matters and what doesn't. The things that matter are the things that last - they're eternal. And those are the things that you can never lose. If you keep your focus on those things, you can be knocked down but you can't be knocked out.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Loving Knockout Punch - #5158
Powerless moments are the moments when we finally do what we should have done all along. We surrender to our Lord. Like that drowning girl, we still want to get there on our own. But we're drowning. We often can't be rescued until God gives us a loving knockout punch.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Price To Go Free - #4089
Ransom unpaid, you pay the penalty. Ransom paid, you go free. The ransom made the difference. That's true, not only in the history of those Civil War communities - it's true in our own personal histories. You and I face a terrible penalty - and the ransom makes all the difference. Not just for now, but for eternity.