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Today's devotional: becoming a living sacrifice
In a devotional today at Words of Hope, Jessica Heikoop asks if Christians are truly...

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Devotional : Freedom
Robin Mark wrote, "It's only in your will that I am free." But how can we find freedom in surrendering our will to another? Isn't that the opposite of freedom? This devotional explores the meaning of freedom and explains why surrendering all to Jesus is precisely how we can achieve ultimate peace and freedom.

Devotional : Work Hard, Play Hard
God surely wants us to make the most of our time on earth, so we tend to jealously guard both our work and leisure time so that none of it is wasted or interrupted. But what does this kind of lifestyle do to our relationships, especially our relationship with Jesus? This devotional examines why it's so important to trust God to tell us how to spend our time wisely and make it meaningful.,-Play-Hard.aspx

Devotional : Priorities
Many people assume that God should be the top priority in our lives, but is that right? This devotional looks at what it means to our relationships when we see them as "priorities" and why we therefore need to see God as something more than just an item on a list.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How We Believe, How We Behave - #8102
You know that’s how many Christians feel about Jesus in their life. They’ll give Him one slice of the pie and that one really has a Jesus flavor. They go to church, they read their Bible, they pray, but then there’s my job, my money, my entertainment, my relationships, how I treat people, and the Jesus slice of course.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Letting Go Of The Wheel - #4328
My wife sometimes has a hard time getting me to let go of the wheel. God knows that feeling - maybe with you, too. Some of us hang onto control for as long as we can, not realizing that we are heading for a crash if we don't let go. And we're missing miracles that God so wants to do in our lives - because we refuse to relinquish control.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Honorary Chairman Charade - #4363
Our word for today from the Word of God comes from the words of Jesus Himself beginning in Luke 6:46. He begins with an unsettling question. "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" Jesus says, "You're saying the right words. You're giving Me the right title. But I'm not really in charge. You are." Jesus then proceeds with an example that shows the difference between the person who knows what Jesus wants and the person who does what Jesus wants.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Deeply Personal - #4204
Dr. Lee wasn't talking about some time-travel experience he'd had. He was talking about his deep feeling that when Jesus was dying on that cross, he was totally identified with what Jesus was doing there. It was his sin Jesus was paying the price for there. The great painter, Rembrandt, must have had that same sense when he painted his rendition of Christ's crucifixion. When his friends pointed out that a man in the crowd there looked like Rembrandt, he replied, "That is me."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Dark Side - #4207
Where the light doesn't shine - that's the dark side. The sad thing is that many of us have a dark side; parts of our life, our personality, our lifestyle where we don't let the light shine. The light of the S-o-n of God. And those parts, like the moon, are cold and barren - possibly hidden from everyone's view. Everyone, that is, except God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Grabbing Your Only Hope - #4239
What I did that day with that rescuer is exactly what I did the day I gave myself to Jesus Christ - and what I've been doing ever since. It is, in fact, the only way God has provided for us to ever have a relationship with Him - to ever have the sins of our lifetime forgiven and to be able to go to heaven instead of hell when we die.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What You Need to Win - #4268
For the battles you're facing, that's a pretty good question for you to be answering - "Do you have what you need to win?" Which may very well raise a good question on your end - "What exactly do I need to win?"