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Today's Devotional: God Always Has Time For Us
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who clearly didn't have time for you? It...

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Exclusive Use - #2288
Maybe you have been taken over by your recreation, by television, by your search for a mate. Maybe you are really controlled by the pain of the past, or the anger or the bitterness in your heart, your ambition, your pride. Whatever it is, it didn't, and it probably wouldn't die for you. Nobody loves you like Jesus. Nobody else should have your allegiance, your best. You were created for the exclusive use of the one who purchased you with His blood to be used for what He wants to accomplish where you work, where you go to school, where you live, in what you buy, in what you own, in what you watch, in what you listen to.

Year in the Bible - a Christian perspective
God's timing is not necessarily our own--and from His perspective as Creator of the universe, He has a vastly different perspective on the passage of years than we do.

Guarding My Morsel, Missing The Meal - #2830
Whole communities are missing God's outpouring because churches and ministries and leaders are not working together. Again, each one is fighting for their program, their budget, their territory - and God simply turns away and says, "If you only knew what could happen in your town if you could ever get together."

The "One More Thing" Syndrome - #2827
We tell young people to "just say no" to drugs. That's good advice for us responsibility addicts, too. So the next time you're tempted to over commit yourself, think of that trunk, packed with all it should hold. And, like your Master, have the wisdom and courage to resist trying to add just one more thing.

The Two-Minute Warning - #2860
I have to tell you, as I understand Scripture, the world has never looked so much like the world Jesus Christ is going to return to. Since Jesus was here, there has never been an Israel - until now. There's never been the prophesied return of the Jews to their land, from all over the world - until now.

Fix It Before the Final - #5810
Believe me, no matter how hard it may be for you to judge that sin yourself, it's always easier than forcing God to judge it because you wouldn't. He's giving you a chance to fix it now before it goes to the final print.

Serving But Starving - #5738
There's a danger of becoming someone who leads others to experience the Lord while you're slowly becoming a spectator yourself. And you can so fill your life with Christian meetings, Christian positions, and Christian activity that it feels like knowing the Lord. But, in fact, those activities have slowly crowded out that precious private time with Jesus. And that time is the fuel for any valid ministry!

A Little More Time To Harvest - #5699
God has given you a little more time to bring in someone that His Son died for. Don't keep putting it off. Don't let your life be so full of un-eternal stuff that you miss the mission that matters most. Someone you know desperately needs Jesus, and Jesus has given you a little more time to bring them home.

Swift in the Bible - a Christian perspective
King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes that the race doesn't always go to the swift, or the battle to the strong. He says that time and chance effect us all. No one can escape them.

Redeeming the time - a Christian perspective
Our time on earth is short, so we must be careful and conscientious about how we use the time allotted to us--redeeming it by using it to further God's kingdom.