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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Composer and the Performers - #4006
Of course the problem with that concert was not Beethoven - it was how that band performed what he wrote. Jesus has that same problem with those who try to "perform His music" - that is, try to live what He taught. Now, the Composer is still a genius - but don't judge Him by those who play His music imperfectly.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - In the Middle of Your Love - #4035
our children are supposed to be caught in the overflow of you and your spouse loving one another, not loved instead of you loving one another. And it may be that you have allowed that love to atrophy, to drift, to turn to resentment ... or coldness ... or neglect. And while your child is still getting loved, they aren't in the middle of your love for one another. A child's security, a child's stability is in knowing that the love from which they came is still going strong!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Removing the Toxic Waste - #4087
People can accumulate toxic stuff, too - attitudes and reactions that give off a kind of spiritual radiation ... that pollutes the environment and it's hazardous to the spiritual health of others.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Avoiding Shark Attacks - #3855
We know from 1 Peter 5:8 that you and I have an enemy - the devil - who is "looking for someone to devour." And I'm convinced that he operates much like those sharks - he looks for someone who's off on their own - and pounces on them. You're a lot less vulnerable as long as you're sticking close to your spiritual brothers and sisters, to your family. The problem is that right now maybe you're allowing yourself to be isolated, distant and even cut off from people who love you and people you love. The shark from hell loves that.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - United We Stand - #3895
The followers of Jesus Christ have much to learn from what happened among America's national leaders after the terrorist attacks. Indeed, as a nation -- as the Church of Jesus Christ, "united we stand". I know you remember the rest - "divided we fall."

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Flying Together Or Flying Alone - #3916
The bottom line on those geese from those who study them is this: they are able to fly up to 71% farther together than they could ever fly alone. So are we who belong to Jesus Christ. We're able to fly a whole lot farther together than we ever could by ourselves. It's just too bad that so many of us are more seagull than goose - we're up there soaring all by ourselves, doing our thing, but missing the power of flying together with other brothers and sisters.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Rescue Glue - #3930
Rescue unites God's people. When believers, when a church, when a ministry is focused on rescuing the dying, whatever it takes, there's no time to battle with each other. They're too busy battling for the lives of lost people around them. There was no conflict between those New York police and firefighters when they were in that wreckage, desperately working together to bring some people out alive. Turf and ego and divisive issues just don't seem important when people are dying.

LWP - Rwanda—Bible Society NSW Project Making a Difference in Africa
Rwandans are taking the issues of reconciliation and unity seriously.

Charles G. Finney : Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed
In the holy Scriptures, we often find a negative thrown into the form of an interrogation. The text is an instance of this kind; so that we are to understand the prophet as affirming that two cannot walk together except they be agreed.

Building Community in Youth Groups
Dissension and cliques threaten to divide many youth groups. What are the causes? What are the remedies? Mark Tittley responds. Jesus prayed, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me...." (Jn. 17:23)