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What Makes You Really Valuable - #6053
Because you're Jesus' personal representative in a dark place, in many ways you aren't like everybody else. But you keep loving them unconditionally. You make them feel important, and doing the right thing without condemning them. You keep doing all of that, and you're going to be, whether they admit it or not, one of the most important people in their life. Because people like you are rare and very, very valuable.
The Joy of Telling - #6051
what you know about Jesus is their only hope of ever being in heaven with you someday! You need to tell about Jesus. They need to hear about Jesus, because you need to talk about the greatest love of your life. And they need to hear about the one who loves them more than anyone. You tell them about how much He loves you. Sooner or later, they'll want to meet Him.
The Answer in the Mirror - #6047
I saw a simple, but profound little sentence on a church sign recently. It said, "God, I have a problem. It's me." That kind of prayer is the only place some of us are ever going to find any healing, any happiness, or any peace. Not "I have a problem - it's them," but "it's me." That admission can save a marriage, a relationship with a child, the unity of a church or a ministry, or a relationship that's too valuable to lose.
The Most Important Question About the Road You're On - #6043
The only way to get to heaven is to be totally depending on Jesus Christ to get you there. It means abandoning all other hopes of getting to God and to heaven and fully trusting the one way God provided - Jesus, His one and only Son. If you've never reached out to Him and given yourself to Him, you're in grave spiritual danger, no matter how sincere you may be in whatever else you're depending on.
The Difference Between List and Death - #6041
Today, the nail-pierced hand of heaven's Rescuer is reaching for you. The nail prints are there because He had to die so you could live; taking the penalty for your sin on that awful cross. And this day, you have to make your choice about Him. How do you grab His hand? You say, "Jesus, I've done it my way long enough. You died for my sin. I am Yours." In that moment, you're saved, you're rescued, and you're safe.
The Amazing Reason Why You Are Where You Are - #6036
There's an eternal reason why you are where you are occupationally, geographically, situationally, parentally, physically, emotionally, maybe even medically. You've been given a stretch of spiritual beach where Jesus has assigned you as the lifeguard, and you can be sure there are spiritually drowning people there within your reach.
Driving Hard On the Wrong Road - #6037
The Bible reveals that many people are driving on a road they think will get them to God and that will get them heaven, but there's no way it's going to get them home. However sincere they may be in believing they're on the right road, they are, in God's eyes, totally lost.
When Your Life Is Drifting - #6034
"Drifting" may be a word that describes a little of how you feel about your life right now. You can be successful but not satisfied. You can be winning but still wondering what your life is all about.
Fruit With Seeds - #6032
Isn't it time you start bearing some fruit, like people who will be in heaven because you helped them know how? And God's plan is that we reproduce our own kind. That moms introduce other moms to Jesus, that students introduce other students to Jesus, golfers point golfers to Christ, businesspeople reach other businesspeople, wounded people lead other wounded people to the Savior.
How Nice People Miss Heaven - #6031
Jesus died to cancel from God's records every sin of every day of your life; erased by the blood He shed for those sins.