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The Downhill Thrill and the Uphill Bill - #6550
Oh, you have the good feeling right now that sin gives, maybe you don't have the consequences yet, and it's easy just to go with what you can see now. But the thrill is not worth the price tag. This moment won't last. The loss, oh it will last. The pain, the consequences? Just ask King David. They last a lifetime.
Sad Success - #6547
For 2,000 years, Jesus has been the sustaining fulfillment for millions of us when life's spotlights go off. He's been the one love that's cherished us like no other, to the point of laying down His life so we wouldn't have to die for our sins. Until we commit ourselves to this God who gave His life for us and then rose from the grave to be alive to come into our life, our hearts are, in the Bible's words, "like the tossing sea which cannot rest...there is no peace" (Isaiah 57:20-21 ).
None of the Above - #6543
I've been on some flights where I wish I could have picked the captain in the cockpit. I've never been able to pick the pilot for my flight, but I got to pick the pilot for my life, and it's Captain Jesus. He's the one Pilot who can bring you in matter what happens.
Pardoning Turkeys - #6538
You know, you have to accept the pardon Jesus died to give you. You can ignore it, you can postpone it. Many do. You can choose to keep running your own life. You can try to depend on your religion or your goodness. But then, you'll pay a death penalty you don't have to pay. Jesus already paid it.
Steve Jobs and God - #6536
Behind all the fog of all those "sophisticated" spiritualities and the dueling religions of our world stands one real God, one real Savior. He's the God who hung on a cross.
Stopped at the Gate - #6532
No religion can die for your sins; no spirituality can die for your sins. Only God's sinless Son could do that. So He's the only "I.D." that will get us into God's heaven.
Wimpy Death - #6527
Even in "the valley of the shadow of death," "we have this hope," the Bible says, "as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 6:19). In the deepest, in the darkest hour, the anchor held, and it always will.
The "Man With the Red Bandana" - #6523
Welles Crowther's father said, "His last hour was his legacy." Well, Jesus' last hour, when He was on that cross and chose to be cut off from God so we would never have to be, that was His legacy. And with a very full heart, I can tell you, I'm part of that legacy, and you can be too.
A Hurricane Named Peace - #6520
Hurricane-proof peace is a Person, and He'll be there when the storm is howling, and He'll be there when the storm has passed.
The Man With "What's Next?" - #6516
What you decide to do with Jesus even this very day could be eternally decisive. I urge you, if you're not sure you've begun your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, make this the day you get that done and to say, "Jesus, I'm Yours."