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Someone's Been Talking About You - #6727
You are not traveling this road alone. Someone's talking about you. Jesus is talking to His Father about you. Man, that's good to know. That makes all the difference.


Don't Count On An Extension - #6726
Someone your age, however old or young you are, died unexpectedly today. That's just a fact. And for them, there are no more chances. Someday that will be you.


Something Worse Than Lonely - #6724
Yes, it's a lonely world. Will you walk on Lonely Street again? Yes, you will. But the day you come to Jesus Christ is your last day alone.


The Trouble With Microwave Believers - #6723
You know, you could be becoming a microwave believer. You might be cold on the inside. And cold on the inside just isn't worth serving to your Lord. That's not what He wants. What He cares about is the warmth inside in your heart.


Which Way in the Wildfire? - #6711
Only the One who died for our sins can forgive our sins and erase what will keep us out of heaven. It's not about the superiority of the Christian religion. It's not about a religion at all; no religion can die for you. It's about a Rescuer, the only One who can save us from the fire of sin's judgment, because He took that fire for us. To trust in anything else is to learn too late that you've made the greatest mistake a human can make.


The One Step We Miss - #6706
Repentance is so often the missing page in our Gospel. In God's Word it says you have to have Godly sorrow that leads to repentance that leads to salvation. Sometimes we skip over sin lightly in our rush to get people to Jesus. It's like going right to the cure before a person has even faced their disease. There's no real conversion until you repent.


The Wedding Day "Wow!" - #6703
At a wedding I saw a picture of how Jesus feels about me and all those who are His - unmistakable, unconcealable, unrestrained love. And I saw, symbolized in that young bride, the response to that love - committing yourself to this One who has proven - in blood - that you can trust Him with your life.


Designer Genes and Chromosomes - #6700
When are you going to start celebrating what you are instead of focusing on what you aren't? You were made right! You're wired for daily contributions only you can make. And ultimately we can only discover the answer to the question, "Why am I here?" by belonging to the God who put us here


Watching the Towers Fall - #6697
Be ready for eternity whenever it comes. More than anything, I think that's what screamed - and still screams - to me from the rubble of Ground Zero. We just can't count on tomorrow. That's why the Bible says, "Prepare to meet your God" (Amos 6:1 ).


Life in the Backwards Seat - #6691
You may be at a point where you're ready for a new beginning - where the hurts and the failures of the past no longer will define who you are. That is when it's time for Jesus, who died for all the sin and all the hurts of the past.
