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In the Path of the Storm - #6613
God's one question when we enter eternity is going to be this: "What did you do with My Son?" Because of what His Son did for you.


Turning Hopeless to Hope - #6610
It's Jesus and Jesus alone who can make the worst things that ever happened to you a door to hope for a lot of other broken people. I know. I've seen it with my own eyes.


Another Eternity Moment - #6607
The moment you give your heart to Jesus, every sin you've ever committed is erased from God's book forever. And what would keep you out of heaven is removed.


Every Scar Has a Story - #6602
the scars of Jesus tell the story of how very much He loves you. There's an old hymn that says it pretty well, "I shall know Him, I shall know Him, as redeemed by His side I shall stand. I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side by the print of the nails in His hands."


The Most Powerful Magnet In the World - #6600
On the day you stand before God, there's only one thing He's going to ask you. "What did you do with My Son and His death for you on that cross?" You could settle that question today.


Leave Your Garbage at the Door - #6594
You can't realize who God is without cleaning up your act. The first order of business is to go back over the last 24 hours in your prayer and expose those places where you've disappointed God; where you've disobeyed Him and confess it. Express your sadness over that sin.


Beautiful But Broken - #6596
I think of the mistakes we make and the hurt we experience looking for this love anywhere else. The little kids singing their little church song, they "get" it: "Jesus loves me, this I know." You know that when you finally open your heart to His love. And your lifetime search for love ends in His welcoming arms.


The Hands Tell it All - #6591
Jesus wants to be with you every remaining day of your life, and He wants you to be with Him forever. Could you reach out to Him today? And when you've taken your last breath, you'll meet Him at last.


The Dark Crossroads - #6588
The song is so right, "Jesus loves me." And the one Whitney sang as a girl, "Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right." Especially if that talk is to tell Him, "Jesus, I need Your love; that love You showed when You poured out Your life for my sin on that cross. So Jesus, I'm Yours...all Yours."


A Poker Chip and a Super Bowl - #6587
The best of Jesus is for those who are "all in." All control surrendered. Nothing I'm hanging onto. Abandoned to Jesus, because anyone who loved me enough to die for me would never do me wrong.
