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The Ultimate Magnet - #6382
Remember, your heart will follow your money. So, put your money into getting the Gospel to people who don't know Christ; whose eternity depends on that message getting to them. And, as you do that, your burden will grow and your heart will be right where God's heart is.
Chewing Your Food Properly - #6380
In-gesting the Bible - it isn't enough. You only get its value if you di-gest it. So, when it comes to your daily Bible breakfast, chew your food properly.
Everything for the War Effort - #6375
God says to you and me, as He says to those believers centuries ago, "This is your war, too." God's victory strategy is that every Christian sacrifices for His battle. But the best I have—not the least I have—is used to make an eternal difference somewhere in the world or somewhere in my community.
Wearing the Colors, Win or Lose - #6373
Step up to the freedom, the adventure of finally saying, "I belong to Jesus Christ no matter what it costs." And if someone should ask you, "But what if it means you lose?" Answer proudly, "Either way."
Those Hard-Hitting Holy Men - #6372
Listen to Jesus as He says to you, "Follow me." You'll find in His strength an intensity you were created to have in everything you do. And then, like your Master, you'll be one of those hard-hitting holy men.
Always Time for a Time Out - #6371
When you exercise the faith to take your time out each week, your judgment improves, your energy goes up, your creativity is greater, your confidence is greater, your personality's better to be around, and you return to your responsibilities a better you.
Saturated But Not Strong - #6363
You know, maybe it's time now for us to see that our roots need to be growing, not just our leaves. Do you know some things about the Lord that you didn't know a month ago? Have you given Him some new ground that He didn't have a month ago? Are you praying in fresh, new ways? Are you going by the book and not by your feelings?
Grumblers Anonymous - #6355
When you look at a close up of the moment, it leads to grumbling. Why don't you turn your grumbling to gratitude? There will always be full membership in Grumblers Anonymous. No more members needed there. So why don't you resign and join a better organization - The Builder Uppers.
Your Daily Dig - #6359
You don't get the treasure out of an archeological site by the shovelful. You find it in those little spoonfuls. It's the same with treasure from God's life-changing Word. Slow down, take your time, and get all the treasure you can from your daily dig into the truth of Almighty God.
Prove it Before You Promote it - #6362
Let's not be in too big a hurry to push one of God's vehicles out onto the Interstate. We all need to be tested first on God's proving ground. Rushing to leadership...that's man's way of doing it—it's not God's.