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A Bucket of Water, Or a Three-Alarm Fire - #2782
Don't wait another day to do something about the fire. It's as small now as it will ever be. Gently confront what you have to confront, forgive what you have to forgive, apologize for what you have to apologize for, and overlook what you have to overlook, but deal with whatever is between you.


Talking Batteries - #2806
Do people feel important after they've been with you or small? Do they get courage and confidence from being around you - or do they lose it? Do they feel believed in or distrusted? Do you make them feel heavier inside or lighter? This ministry of encouragement is available to every one of us. And it is desperately needed.


Staying Alive in a Game of "Killer" - #2803
You're spending a lot of time alone - at least emotionally; keeping things bottled up, you're feeling more depressed and isolated, you're farther from people, maybe even getting farther from God. Your heart is turning harder. Do you see what's happening? The devil is poisoning your close relationships to isolate you for the kill. Don't let it happen! Go back; build a bridge back to them; tear down whatever walls have started to develop, swallow your pride, if necessary.


The Problem With Pushing - #2821
We can learn a lot from Jesus in how to get people to do things. As parents, for example, we want so much for our kids to make right choices - so much that we tend to just push harder and harder when they don't seem to be doing it - or when we're afraid they won't.


Safe in the Middle of the Flood - #2713
You know floods are coming. Just don't wait for the floods to build the wall around your family. If you make each day a flood-proofing day, your family may be in the flood - but the flood won't be in your family.


My Child, My Mirror - #2653
There is something about having a child that makes you start thinking about yourself in ways you may not have thought before. They are mirrors to us. As a dad or a mom trying to shape this life we have been entrusted with, knowing the dangers, the challenges, the consequences, we begin to see things we may have never fully seen before - like our own incompleteness or inadequacy, our baggage, our weaknesses that can now do serious damage to this vulnerable life in our hands...


Fragile Stickers - #2632
A lot of times we handle people roughly in reaction to how they handled us. But Jesus calls us to do pro-active talk, not reactive, not treating people as we were treated by as we want them to treat us, and treating them, not as they have treated you, but as Jesus has treated you.


Load Lighteners - #2845
Load lightening begins by having your radar on during the day - listening for, looking for burdens someone may be carrying. Be generous with your words of encouragement - for someone, that encouragement may make all the difference today. Think creatively about what practical thing you could do that would remove a little of the weight of that person's burden.


Someone Else's Fault - #5913
Maybe you've honestly been hurt or wronged, and you can't do anything about the other person taking responsibility for what they've done. But you can accept the responsibility for the way you've handled it, for the wrong things you may have tried to excuse by the wrong things someone else did. Those who have been victims - and those who've been victimizers - never get free until they realize that they are now the victims of their own choices, not someone else's.


Girl Watching - God's Watching - #5906
Both men and women have fallen for a casualness about sex that robs it of its God-given beauty. Like snow, it's beautiful when it's fresh and clean but it's ugly when it's trampled and soiled. Godly men, make that covenant with your eyes not to look lustfully at a girl. Godly women, dress for respect, not attention like the temple of God that you are.
