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Teflon Love - #5790
Is there some resentment, some anger, some bitterness that you've allowed to stick to your soul toward someone in your family; maybe even your mate or your child or your parent? Or maybe it's hard feelings toward someone at church, or where you work, in a ministry you're involved with. The Bible calls it a "root of bitterness" and says what will happen if you allow it to grow in you much longer. "It will cause trouble and defile many."
The Secret Of Staying Healthy - #5780
It's carelessness about staying clean that can cost you your physical health and, yes, your spiritual health. And we get careless when we forget who we are - God's temple, God's people, God's son or daughter. He says, "Don't touch any unclean thing." Remember who you are.
A Makeover For the Woman You Love - #5774
The selfless love of a husband can, over time, help a woman feel safe enough to deal with her weaknesses, to pour out her soul, and in so doing, to cleanse her soul. God's love through a loving husband can set her free from the fears and the scars of the past that have defined her for so long. His praise can restore her sense of worth. His listening can offload what weighs her down.
Back In the Ring For Another Round - #5772
Do you make a person feel really important when they're with you, or like they're keeping you from something more important? Do you listen for their heart, not just their words? Do you look for what God seems to be doing in their life and then you affirm it to them? Do you look for their strong points and tell them what you see? By the way, this ministry of encouragement is one anyone can have and it may be just what you need to get you out of your own pit of self-focus and self-pity.
While the Window's Open - #5767
When your child is ready to talk, you had better drop everything and listen then. The window won't be open for long. When your child is ready to be affectionate, you have got nothing more important to do than respond. When your son or daughter has time to be with you, you had better have time to be with them. The same applies to your mate, your parents, others that you love.
Showing Your Relationship - #5765
Over the years, I have seen unbelievers touched by a promise that believers almost always take for granted, "I'll pray for you." If you are working on meaningful relationships with lost people around you, and how are you ever going to reach them if you're not, then you're going to know when they are struggling.
The Sandcastle Syndrome - #5762
Jesus is inviting us to focus what we have on something that will last forever - building His church. Even our Christian work could be building our own kingdom...which won't last. You see, that church is not about an actual physical building. It's about reaching the lost people He died for; adding them to His family.
A Child In Your Inbox - #5748
God is so serious about our relationship with our children that He even makes it a qualifying standard for anyone who wants to be a spiritual leader.
The Oscar Outlook - #5745
When Jesus was born, the announcement was, "He will save His people from their sins." That is all the garbage and junk of our past - the sins that we have done and the sins that have been done to us.
Released, Not Restricted - #5743
Maybe you have a tendency to think that God is usually mad at you - punishing you. But our feelings about God are based way too much on our experiences with our parents, with people who've hurt us, and on our immediate circumstances. So we end up missing the love that our Heavenly Father is trying to show us.