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Why It Doesn't Have To Be the Way It's Always Been - #5967
As surely as physical family resemblances get passed on from one generation to another, so do family flaws, family sins, family baggage. Except for the miracle that makes it possible for one person to say, "It stops here. I'm not going to be another one in that same old line. I'm going to be the first one in a brand new line in our family!"
Sharp Edges - #5963
Gentle treatment of people - especially when we're feeling tired, or tense, or frustrated - doesn't necessarily come naturally. God describes it as a "fruit of the Spirit." It's a characteristic Jesus has that He can produce in you through His Holy Spirit who lives in you. But you have to reach the point where, first of all, you're willing to see those sharp edges that you have and repent of them as part of the sinful old you that's all dark and ugly.
Your "No Vacancy" Sign - #5959
Don't make your child, your husband or your wife feel shut out of your life by your invisible but very real "no vacancy" sign. Just always have room for them even if it means sacrifice. People who know they're loved and important and listened to don't have to start looking somewhere else for what you didn't give them - somewhere that could scar their life and break your heart.
Waiting for Your Father - #5951
The problem is that God is sinless and holy totally perfect. And you and I, on the other hand, have a lifetime of sinning; of doing it our way instead of God's way. You can't get into His family unless something is done about your sin, and something has been done. In fact, God did it. That's how much He loves you and He does not want to lose you.
The Avalanche Zone - #5947
The ultimate outcome of our sin will inevitably be death, the death of our self-respect, of relationships, of people's trust, our reputation, but worst of all, our eternal separation from our God in a place Jesus called hell. But the dying for your sin has already been done by Jesus Christ.
Climate Control - #5940
You're a leader. You're setting a climate, whether you realize it or not. And the interesting thing is that you end up reaping the climate you sow. So make the place where you are feel like it would if Jesus were there. He is.
Bad Stuff In Your Tank - #5939
It's getting harder and harder to go on, isn't it, with that stalling and with the setbacks you're experiencing. And you're running out of gas. Today, would you finally turn and face Jesus; finally face how your sin has been hurting your Savior. Come to the foot of Jesus' cross. Abandon that sin at the place where Jesus died for it, and pick up His overcoming power to beat what has beaten you for so long.
Holy Hunger - #5937
ince you're farther along the line than most of the people with you, you've stopped where you are. But there is so much more God wants to serve you than you have ever sampled before. Don't be satisfied with where you are now. You go after food when you're physically hungry. Ask God to stir up that holy hunger in your soul that goes after the rest of His righteousness.
Heavy On the Healthy Stuff - #5936
Crushing Satan under your feet; that's a war on two fronts. You have to be against what's bad getting into your system, but that isn't enough. You have to take daily opportunities to become smarter about what is innocent. Cut the damaging stuff out of your heart-diet and go heavy on the healthy stuff!
Verbal Vomit - #2546
If people bled physically every time we wounded them verbally, I wonder what kind of a trail some of us would leave? It's time to listen to ourselves; to face the hypocrisy between our spiritual image and our private trash talk; to seek the forgiveness of the people we've hurt; to make our mouth the new frontier for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Maybe then what comes out of our mouth will not only make us feel better, it will make them feel better too.