What technologies have you decided not to use because of your faith?

Technology choices seem limitless these days. I get a little embarrassed when I realize how many gadgets I have laying about and how many social networks I belong to. Granted, they’re all designed to enhance my life and work… but sometimes it can get overwhelming. Is this friend on Facebook or Twitter? Can I text them or should I call? Do I need an iPad, or just want one?

As more and more devices and technologies compete for our attention and free time, I think we need to be more discerning about which ones we do and don’t participate in.

What technologies have you decided not to use because of your faith? Have you given up anything because you found it was interfering with your relationship with God?

2 Responses to “What technologies have you decided not to use because of your faith?”

  • For me, it’s not which one or how many, it is rather how addictive thay can become. I truly enjoy renewing and catching up with old acquaintances from through the (many) years via modern technology. I am learning to curtail the urge to click on every spare moment to see who, if any has responded or is “online”. I am not tempted to endulge in areas of temptation that I know can offend my spirit; they are no different in the new technologies out there than they ever were in print, on tape and even at a local theaters. It boils down to spiritual maturity and self discipline.

  • Pat says:

    I agree with Pastor Gunter..”it boils down to spiritual maturity and self discipline”. We can’t allow technology to rule, especially since we have prayed for Jesus to rule our lives. I have this game that I would play often. I began to get convicted….prayed about it….the desire has diminished tremendously. No harm in the playing, harm in letting it get the best of you. The holy spirit will work on your behalf…gotta give in to it. Praise the LORD!!