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Jesus died to cancel from God's records every sin of every day of your life; erased by the blood He shed for those sins.

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Is there still a place for television and radio ministry in today's society? What about preaching in public places - does it even work? Is anyone listening? This devotional explains why it's so important to have humility and faith when it comes to preaching the Gospel, and to surrender our methods of witnessing to Jesus just as we do with every other aspect of our lives.

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Praise acknowledges a sun that is shining even when the fog is the heaviest. If this is a dark time, don't deepen your sadness by ignoring the Lord, or abandoning the Lord, or turning on the Lord. This is a time to throw yourself on His goodness; a time to ask Him for the grace to praise Him for all that He still is, all that He's done, and all that He is going to do. As Amy said, "Praise lifts the sadness." It dispels the fog.

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Having faith - a Christian perspective
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