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Tell us your experiences of sharing your faith online
Do you share your faith online in any way? Did you find God through the Web? Have people joined your fellowship because of your church website? Personal stories are the ideal commendation for the Web as an outreach medium. We want to hear your story. It can bless others, and encourage them to also see the potential of the Internet.

Churches, Christians and Other Hang-ups - #6149
Don't let bad commercials make you miss the product - the only man who loved you enough to die for every sin you've ever committed. The only man who was willing and able to go through our hell so we could have heaven. The only man in history powerful enough to beat death by walking out of His grave under His own power. The hypocrites, the poor examples, the mistakes Christians make; none of those have a thing to do with where you'll spend eternity. It's all about and forever.

What does Europe believe? Christian look at Eurobarometer Poll results
Having just got back from a web evangelism conference in Lithuania, I thought I'd look up some stats for beliefs in that country, and found this remarkable table of Eurobarometer Poll results for the whole of Europe.

The West is a mission field. We need mission insights to understand worldview and culture.
Time is a strange commodity. We stayed last month at a holiday cottage in the north Derbyshire village where I spent some years of my childhood. It’s apparently the oldest building in the village. Friends in the New World will perhaps be particularly entranced by its age – it was already 200 years old when Charles Wesley stayed there! It is part of a farm complex which later became a Moravian settlement for 50 years.

Michael Jackson: his life, death, and his receiving prayer several weeks before he died
Just three brief comments relating to the worldwide reaction to Jackson’s untimely death: 1. I can only remember five such worldwide uber-grief reactions to an individual’s death in my lifetime, one each decade: Kennedy, Presley, Lennon, Diana and now Jackson. This is the first one where the online media played the prime news role, as Jeremy Wagstaff blogs here. Some websites struggled with overload as a result.

Digital evangelism to the non-western world and unreached people groups
To share with Muslims, we do need to understand how they think. Here are several articles to help us think through these issues: * The Missing Father – explaining a Trinitarian Concept of God to Muslims * Understanding shame cultures – completely different to the culture you probably belong to * Oral Communication Cultures – although Muslims are people of the book, they are also within a broadly oral communication culture (as indeed are many westerners who do not get much information from print media)

Social and religious trends in UK reflect those in the rest of the West
Research in UK by Christian thinktank Theos shows big big changes in religious belief: one in five believes in astrology or horoscopes, one in ten in Tarot or fortune telling and nearly three in ten people believe in reincarnation. These are much higher figures than similar research carried out in 1950 by Gallup. Although not included in the survey, ‘karma’ is also a very common belief here in UK. What this surely demonstrates is that a large percentage of the UK population (and doubtless similar populations elsewhere in the West) are effectively believing most of the tenets of Buddhism though they would be mostly unaware that they are doing so.

How people find Christ - two vital insights into conversion and salvation
Two very helpful resources here: 1) The Gray Matrix Frank Gray’s modification of the Engel Scale is an incredibly useful pictorial tool: More on the Matrix 2) How Adults Become Christians Dave Bennett, UK National Director of Bridge Builders (formerly Pocket Testament Leaque) conducted this study by interviewing a range of lasting adult convert regarding the factors that had brought them to faith. His main findings were that the majority of lasting conversions: a. took a long time – an average of about 2 years. b. spiritual journeys frequently started due to a felt need or life problem. d. the biggest factor by far, claimed by the respondents, was ongoing relationships with Christians, and seeing faith modeled in their lives. This far exceeded other factors such as reading books, tracts, even the Bible, or watching videos.

Teaching English online as a connection for sharing the gospel
It is said that the biggest single factor in Japanese coming to faith, has been taking English-learning classes run by Christians. There are various secular language-teaching systems that allow you to sign up as a mentor to help a learner. This is certainly an option for sensitive redemptive relationship-building. appears to enable such help. Other similar systems are listed on our Japan page, which also lnks to a Mission Network News story of such ministry in Taiwan.