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Faith and sin - a Christian perspective
Only good things can come from God, and no truly good thing can exist outside of God. Therefore, if something arises out of our faith in God, we know it is something worth pursuing.

Rain When There Are No Clouds - #2506
Here's the question: Will you trust your Heavenly Father so completely that you will hear the sound of a heavy rain when there's no cloud the rain could come from? Well, then grab your umbrella! What you see isn't what you're going to get! The downpour is on its way.

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"Boast" in the Bible: Ephesians 2:8-9
If we had the ability to save ourselves, we could boast that we don't need God. But the truth is that we're helpless before sin, and our own good works aren't enough to save us, so any such boasting is foolishness. It is grace that saves us through faith.

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The just shall live by faith - a Christian perspective
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Making Jesus Sick - #8298 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
When you drive as many miles as we do, those little surprises out the window spice up the trip a bit; like the two municipal water tanks we saw as we sailed by a town on the Interstate recently. Usually those water tanks have the name of the town on them. Well, not these. One word on each tank: one said “Hot,” the other said “Cold.” There was no third tank.

Takes a Lickin', Keeps On Tickin' - #2786
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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Useful For the Big Jobs - #8289 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
My friend Rick was driving to work one morning, praying that God would show him and his wife how He wanted to use them. He’s in the building trades and God answered his prayer by placing in his mind the image of a crescent wrench. Now, a crescent wrench is designed to be multi-purpose; you can adjust it for the job that needs to be done, and it has tough gripper jaws that dig in. And God was actually telling my friends that He would use them if they were like that wrench–adjustable, adaptable, but digging in wherever He puts them. It might be something in that wrench for you and me.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - What Happened to the Joy - #8288 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I don’t remember a lot of facts they taught me in science class, but I remember the experiments. Like the day our teacher had us illuminate a light bulb the hard way–by feverishly turning this crank to generate some voltage–until finally the bulb just started to flicker to life. I’m thinking, “There’s got to be an easier way.” Yeah, like just plugging it into an outlet! ... I’m Ron Hutchcraft. Now, I’ve tried living for Jesus and serving Jesus both ways, by plugging into the main power source and by cranking it out.