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Our Eleventh-Hour Lord - #6743
Maybe you've got your back to the Red Sea, the enemy's closing in and every solution has failed. Why don't you surrender completely to your Savior right now and cry out to Him, "Lord, I need a miracle." And you will be a candidate for that eleventh-hour Lord.

Keep the Child Alive - #6732
The first snow? Christmas? Amusement parks? They may or may not bring out the child in you. But knowing Jesus, trusting Jesus? That should keep the child alive in you. And I am so grateful that what Jesus did for us He said requires simply the faith of a little child to possess it. What He did on the cross, dying for our sins, loving us enough to pay the penalty we deserve, that that is something a child can grasp, and theologians can explore the depths of.

Bankruptcy Makes You Rich - #6710
Our safe, predictable, well resourced Christianity insulates us from really living by faith. And then God allows the bottom to drop out, just so He can hold you up. And you find out what He can do when there's none of you and it's all God. And then you can learn that He's enough. He fills up your empty account and in a paradox that only God could reveal to us.

Arial views of Calke Abbey filmed by model helicopter
Calke Abbey is a stately home in UK's East Midlands. Here’s a fascinating video shot by a friend of a friend using small radio-controlled battery-powered model helicopters (3- and 4-rotor) carrying a video camera. They are an amateur version of police or military drones. The pilot wears a headset to see from the ground what the camera sees and navigate accordingly. It really is almost like being up there. There are many spiritual parallels in flying.

Finding Jesus on the Internet: Kimberley shares her story
The 24/7 always-on searchable Internet is an ideal match for a seeker. Here, Kimberley tells her story of seeking and finding.

The Tebow in All of Us
Tim Tebow understands the responsibility of divine positioning. We work where we work, live where we live, go to school where we go to school, recreate where we recreate for a life-saving purpose - to "shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life" (Philippians 2:15-16).

Who Stole the Cross? - #6479
We should be outraged! We've allowed Jesus' cross to be stolen from the center of our hearts, and our ministries, and our conversations. "The message of the cross," 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, "is...the power of God." I need to be as passionate about elevating that cross as the world and the devil are about eliminating it.

Convenience Costs More - #6391
The least expensive choice is almost surely the one that will take longer, require more risks and more faith. Don't fall for the lure of what's easy right now. It's probably pulling very hard, but you can't afford the price tag. The narrow road leads to life. The destination is what counts.

What the Quake Exposes - #6409
Jonah revealed the high price of diverting our trust from the true God to another god. He said, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:8). If we only knew all we could have from God...but for the idol.

Staying in Mint Condition - #6405
Let's not be afraid to preach a separated life. Let's not be afraid to live a life that's separated from any kind of sinful lifestyle. But let's always present it as God does. It's a positive, not a negative.