One month until Internet Evangelism Day!
Internet Evangelism Day is one month away. What does your church have planned?
If you're not...
How effective is your church's online ministry?
What does your church's online presence look like? Hopefully your church has a website, at...
Can a virtual church be a "real" church?
Earlier this month, Out of Ur hosted an interesting conversation about the advantages and...
Be a virtual volunteer in September!
Could your internet knowledge make a difference in your local community? The Mozilla Foundation,...
Has Social Networking Had a Positive Impact on Your Faith?
The day one of my parents' peers requested to be my friend on facebook I knew that social...
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more
'Did you know' video clip of digital communication trends
'Did You Know' videos have been a challenging overview of the effects and challenges of digital communication for several years. You can download this latest video for seminars and meetings.
Kristi's story - a student finding truth and meaning on the Internet
A student finding truth and meaning on the Internet.
Teens growing up online are in a different world than the rest of us
I'm not yet 30 years old, but my experience of the world growing up as a teenager is vastly different to that of teenagers today. It's been a shock to consider how different our worlds are.
Below are a couple of documentaries by PBS that explore how the internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and the challenges for children who are growing up in this very different world.
Biggest online behaviour research project
The largest ever global research project into people’s online activities and behavior has just been released by TNS Digital Life. Covering nearly 90 per cent of the world’s online population through 50,000 interviews with consumers in 46 countries, the study reveals major changes in the world’s online behavior.
Digital media are rewiring our brains, says author and researcher
Researcher and author Nicholas Carr has written extensively about the way the Web is rewiring our brains so that we cannot concentrate on longer-lasting tasks such as reading a book.
Using the Bridge Strategy with integrity and wisdom in Christian evangelism
Using the Bridge Strategy
“Use what is dominant in a culture to change it very quickly. It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender”
– Carved quotation outside Ulazdowski Castle Arts Centre, Warsaw
The Bridge Strategy is a major factor in effective online outreach. It allows us to target any group of people according to their special interest or felt need, hobby, ethnicity or language (I Cor 9:19-23). This is a quite remarkable and unique capability of the Internet.
However, it is important that there should be no element of trickery in either bringing people to the page in the first place, or the content they find when they reach it (2 Cor 4:2). At the same time, any outreach site should use appropriate contextualization for its readers: the X-Spectrum enables us to define this on a scale of 1 to 6.
Tell us your experiences of sharing your faith online
Do you share your faith online in any way? Did you find God through the Web? Have people joined your fellowship because of your church website?
Personal stories are the ideal commendation for the Web as an outreach medium. We want to hear your story. It can bless others, and encourage them to also see the potential of the Internet.
Amazing stats for how people use the digital media
The world-changing spread of the Web are charted on this interactive world map displaying figures from 1998 to 2008.
For more interative maps from Charts Bin on a range of statistical developments, including web users, mobile subscribers, and many social trends.
The Internet is changing the context of ministry for churches
Before the Internet and YouTube, this was impossible – that a small-church wedding video could go viral, and then become the storyline for a major TV series: see The Office, the Wedding and the Power of the Internet – a blog posting from Mark Roberts.
Look too at how the world of advertising has changed in 20 years. A comparison chart was featured at Barcelona’s Chiringuito and was picked up by Ministry Marketing Coach, where Kerry Bural comments, “Each of these mediums and technologies (plus many more) represent potential connection points that could and should be leveraged for reaching people. Do churches and ministries have a baseline understanding of these and other mediums? Is the complex nature of communication on your radar?”
Technology and the generation gap - how different groups use the Web
A new study by The Barna Group explores how technology is shaping different experiences and expectations among generations.
I heard recently of a youth group where the chosen means of communicating within the membership, news of activities, etc, was via Facebook, because everyone was a member.
Kelly Dolan asks at Neue Ministry blog how the Web changes ‘I don’t know’ because we can now find almost any information within seconds.