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TechMission Inc.

Delve into Jesus

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One month until Internet Evangelism Day!
Internet Evangelism Day is one month away. What does your church have planned? If you're not...

How effective is your church's online ministry?
What does your church's online presence look like? Hopefully your church has a website, at...

Can a virtual church be a "real" church?
Earlier this month, Out of Ur hosted an interesting conversation about the advantages and...

Be a virtual volunteer in September!
Could your internet knowledge make a difference in your local community? The Mozilla Foundation,...

Has Social Networking Had a Positive Impact on Your Faith?
The day one of my parents' peers requested to be my friend on facebook I knew that social...

What is this page?
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

10 ways the internet is changing evangelism and missions
John Edmiston lists 10 ways the internet is changing evangelism and missions.

Has Social Networking Had a Positive Impact on Your Faith? - The Blog
The day one of my parents’ peers requested to be my friend on facebook I knew that social networking was here to stay. There’s something about connecting with each other that just makes sense, even for people who five years ago would barely take a second glance at a computer. For those that do participate in social networks, I’d like to ask you: has social networking had a positive impact on your faith?

Filling in the Faith Form on Facebook
If I were to go to your Facebook page, what would I see listed under “Religious Views”? What does your online profile say about what you believe? What does that mean to you?

Uncontrolled Fire - #5862
You may be playing with fire on the Internet, in magazines you look at or movies you watch, or just in the way you look at the opposite sex, or the way you push all the boundaries in what you're doing physically with someone. If you'll be honest with yourself, you will see increasing evidence that you're not controlling your passions. They're beginning to control you. The fire is spreading.

LWP- The Internet: The New Missionary Challenge of the Twentieth Century
Our calling is to go around the world preaching the good news to the entire creation. Why not send missionaries to our world’s newest continent…the Internet?

Setting Captives Free - Filtered Internet Access
An informational page on Setting Captives Free filtered Internet Access.

Internet: Harvesting It's Power for Ministry
How students use the internet for spiritual purposes.

What is Pornography Addiction and Sex Addiction?
Pornography is both very alluring and very addictive. This brief article defines pornography and sex addiction, and offers a simple criterion to judge whether you are addicted.

Youth Computing Lesson Plans | Urban ministry sermons, MP3s
TechMission-created lesson plans and curriculum to introduce youth to computers. Computer terms, use of Windows, Web searching, word processing, Microsoft Publisher, and PowerPoint are taught.

Delve Into Jesus : Resources
This is a place for members to post reviews of the music, books, and websites they have found helpful or inspirational. It is more than just a list of every Christian website, book and film on the market - it is a place to share your testimony about what a particular item has done for you.