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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Cats That Never Pounced - #3892
I wonder how many of those you and I have had in our lives - the things that could have hurt or destroyed us that we never knew about. The cats that never pounced. In an increasingly dangerous world, isn't it great to know that you are under that kind of protection?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Changing Hands - #3898
Now if Mary had insisted on holding her own hand, she would never have gone. God is leading her into a situation where she will suddenly be mysteriously pregnant. And who's going to believe that God is doing it? She has a lot to lose if she takes God's hand and goes where He wants to take her.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Liberator - #3904
He wants to remove your guilt with total forgiveness of every wrong thing you've ever done. He wants to remove the shame and replace it with a new sense of cleanness and worth. He wants to give you the spiritual power to stop doing the things you've never been able to shake.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Shipping Out, Orders Unknown - #3911
Now it could be that your Lord is pushing you in a direction that has no map, lots of questions, and not many specifics. You only know that there is this Holy Spirit compulsion to take that step. It may very well be that your Lord is asking you to board that ship -- orders unknown. All you know is that He wants you on that ship.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Peace In The Midst Of The Storm - #3913
Now that was the title of the prize-winning painting - and rightly so. Because peace is not just the absence of a storm - it is peace in the middle of the storm. The kind of peace many of us could use right now -- the kind of peace that you can have right now. If you're resting where you ought to be.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hard to Turn - #3928
If you're an aggressive, goal-oriented person, it's easy to unwittingly, even unknowingly, be one of God "obstinate children" - and to be working very hard on plans that are actually yours, not God's. We can be victims of our own cleverness, our own credentials, our own drive, and our own resourcefulness - ultimately of our own stubbornness. It could be that God is trying to turn you right now - but, like that old Mustang my son had, you really resist being turned. And God has to just keep increasing the pressure.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Running Into Busyness - #3950
And that's what we do sometimes when there's something we don't want to deal with - we just run into busyness. That's especially damaging when what we're running from is God and something He's wanting us to deal with.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fireworks Faith - #3983
And, to be sure, God does some very impressive things sometimes. He is an amazing God. But He's never meant for us to make the fireworks the foundation of our Christian life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Freedom Line - #3994
Not all slaves wear chains or are sold on an auction block. Some of us who have been physically free our whole lives have never really been free on the inside. From the guilt over those mistakes in our past. From the shame over what we've been, what we've done. Some of us know what it is to be slaves to our dark side, to our anger, our selfishness, to habits and patterns we seem powerless to break.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Difference Between Bitter and Sweet - #5413
I guess, in a way, I'm that plum. You're that plum. We've got parts of our personality, our ways of treating people, our ways of responding to stress that are actually pretty sweet and then there are those parts that are bitter for us and certainly bitter for the people close to us. Once you open your life to Jesus Christ, you have divine power available to help change those harsh, distasteful parts of you into something beautiful.