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True Woman: The Surrendered Life
I'm sure my scream took the phone from her ear. I'd asked for a boy. They'd long wanted a boy and thought their child birthing years were past. A boy. A good gift from the faithful Father. But that wasn't her only news. Pre-cancerous cells on her back.


True Woman: Teaching the Resurrection to Tiny Hearts and Minds
Several weeks ago, my three-year-old son, Eli came home from church brokenhearted. After several moments of crying we finally pried out what was troubling him. “I want . . .” sob, sob, “Jesus to give me,” sob, sob, “my heart back” he wailed.


True Woman: God's On the Move in Little Rock . . .
The Lord graciously awakened our church two weeks ago . . . and we will never be the same.


True Woman: My Submission Journey
For the most part, George and I had much in common. However, his ideas about roles within marriage were diametrically opposed to mine. The idea of being a doting, submissive wife was archaic and distasteful to me. I had not seen that example growing up and had no desire to break the generational mold cast for me by the women in my life.


True Woman: Yoo-Hoo, I'm Up Here, Honey!
I want to be his number one encourager and affirmer. But I’ve noticed something. With children, grandchildren, young wives, friends, and co-workers . . . it’s easy to find the words of encouragement and support for them. I wish that were true with the hubby–but it’s not.


True Woman: The Gospel Coalition Conference A La Carte Style
You know how a child will take her first two steps and then fall face-first on the ground? To this day, Pastor Chandler has never met a father who exclaims, “Idiot!” when this happens. Rather, he cries, “Get the camera! Get the camera!” He celebrates the steps and sets his daughter back up after her fall. He knows she will just get better and better at walking.


True Woman: Keller, DeMoss, and Hansen on “Revival: A Gorgeous Thing”
“It had been too long since I’d heard that God wanted to do more.”


True Woman: Tuesday’s Highlights From The Gospel Coalition Conference
"This is a foreshadowing of Christ, who in Himself is the only One who has the right to take as His own all that spoils and ruins, all our loss, hurt, disaster, alienation, brokenness . . . all our sinful mess of things. He takes our diseases and bears them in Himself."


True Woman: Good News for Three Solid Days!
If seeing Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament sounds like just what you need, let’s meet right here on the blog tomorrow and Thursday and enjoy Him together.


True Woman: A Report of God's Mercy
I began hearing reports that God was moving in an unusual way at the church Bill Elliff pastors in Little Rock. Our team and I have been following those reports over the past week, and . . .
