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True Woman: Is She Living Up to Your Standard?
Think about your pastor’s wife for a moment. Does she measure up to the standards for what you think a pastor’s wife should be?


True Woman: Now that Thanksgiving's over . . .
How are you doing now that Thanksgiving’s over? Stuffed after too many pieces of pumpkin pie? Discouraged after a big family furor? Or . . . grateful?


True Woman: Titus2ing
Our paths first crossed on a chilly Saturday morning. Her enthusiasm was evident as this elderly woman walked briskly past us, surrounded by several younger women.


True Woman: Grieving June Cleaver
So what are we to do? Should we start playing “Leave it to Bea ver” re-runs and tell women they’d be happy if they followed June Cleaver’s example? Should we encourage them to start wearing high heels and pearls while vacuuming? Should we run advertising campaigns that glorify the value of ironing, or disparage women who can’t bake cookies from scratch?


True Woman: When to Initiate, and When to Give Him a Little Room
Be generous in your attention to your husband and playful in your pursuit of him.


True Woman: Sacred Deprivation
It was in that exhausted stated that I had an epiphany. I’m not tired from a lack of sleep. I’m tired from a lack of the sacred.


True Woman: Do you have plionexia, too?
It's hard to live where we live and watch what we watch and listen to what we listen to and not covet. We are bombarded with enticements to covet.


True Woman: The Sacrifice--And Promise--of Gratitude
Are you facing a circumstance that just doesn't naturally call for gratitude? You're trying to be brave. You want to do the right thing. But trying to be thankful for what God is doing in your life right now . . .


True Woman: God, What Are You Doing?
What might God be up to in your tough circumstance?


True Woman: When overlooking is a good thing . . .
There are many things we get hung up on that can be let go. When frustrated by an oversight or blunder, and when tempted to unload a criticism, first stop and ask yourself these questions.
