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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The End of What You Can Do - #4686
You've been trying everything you know to make things happen, to start it, to fix it, to solve it, to change it and it's just not working. Oh, you may have prayed about it, but honestly, you've had your hands firmly on the steering wheel. You're going to drive this one, no matter what. Well, you've seen what you can do. Are you ready to see what God can do?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What's So Great about Being Ordinary - #4743
It won't be your ordinaryness that disqualifies you from being part of a great work for God. It will be your unwillingness, or your unavailability, or succumbing to your fears. Don't miss what God wants to do through you. He does His most amazing things through the most ordinary material!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Already Yours - #4250
Somewhere along the way, I realized I was looking at a picture of me and God as I looked at what was going on between me and my son. And I learned a powerful lesson about how prayer really works. As you're in the middle of praying for some things that you really need God to do right now, maybe the same lesson will be an encouragement to you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Bumpy Road to a Beautiful Place - #4258
You know, lots of life's beautiful places are accessible this very same way - by means of a bumpy road. Maybe you're traveling one of those hard, even painful, bumpy roads right now. I imagine some people never made it to the majesty of the falls because the bumpy road made them decide to turn back - a temptation that may have occurred to you on your road.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Good News About Your Roller Coaster - #4267
No matter how scary a roller coaster may be, no matter how radical its dips and twists and turns, there's good news - it's always attached to the track! Of course, you don't even have to enter an amusement park to know what it's like to ride a roller coaster. Most of us can testify that life is a roller coaster - ups and downs and twists and turns that surprise us, rattle us, frighten us, and even make us want to bail out.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When it's Too High to Climb - #4754
With the Red Sea behind them and the mighty Egyptian Army in front of them, God's ancient people must have thought, "No way." But when we say, "No way," God says, "Way!" He parted the Red Sea. He snuffed out the mightiest army on earth like we would blow out a candle. Implied question, "Do you think He can handle the thing that threatens to overwhelm you then?"

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Open a Closed Door - #4288
Interestingly enough, the way you get that automatic door to open is often the way to get God to open a door for you. You have to start moving in that direction. You have to start walking toward it before it will open.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Tapestry and the Threads - #4783
Occasionally God will let you stand back from your weaving to see a piece of the grand design and when you've had a glimpse of what He's making, it's been incredible, hasn't it? But, most days, the designer asks you to just keep weaving those threads. Some you like, some you don't like, some you're thankful for, some you would never choose. But, keep listening, keep doing what the designer says. One day you will stand back with the Master Designer. You will see the masterpiece that you have woven together with His direction and your faithful obediences.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Bread for Tomorrow - #4792
Maybe you've been let down by others in the past, and maybe you're often anxious about whether you'll have what you need when you need it. With God as your Heavenly Father, with you as His child purchased with the life of His Son, it's unnecessary worry.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - How to Know Where You're Going When You Can't See a Thing - #4
Your feelings are all over the map, your circumstances are up for grabs, and you could crash if you don't know where you're supposed to go. Take a lesson from the pilot in the fog over that Eskimo village. He couldn't trust his feelings. He couldn't trust His surroundings. He could trust only one thing - what His instruments were saying. He kept checking his course by the unfailing accuracy of the instruments. For you, that's the Bible, the unfailing Word of God.