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Guts, Grace, and Glory
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Faith That Moves Mountains
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Share your faith on Facebook - cartoon explains how easy it is
Social media has changed everything in digital communication. For non-profits and Christian ministries, Eric Qualman chillingly observes in his new video, "The ROI of Social Media is: your business still exists in five years." It is really as stark as this – if your non-profit or ministry does not have an integrated social media strategy (rather than just trying to bolt-on a bit of Facebook or Twitter), you are in danger. Your church will also suffer, though not terminally, if it does not use social media, says Josh Burns. But equally significant – and greatly under-utilized – is this new potential for any Jesus-follower to share faith appropriately across relationships, using social media. YesEIs have produced a new short cartoon video explaining just how simple this it is to use their own curated choices of evangelistic video shorts.